Data Store Guide¶
The Data Store is more than having a place to save your files. The Data Store is a way to manage the life cycle of your data. From the moment you create data, to publication and beyond, there are a number of practices you should follow to ensure the integrity and value of your data are maintained. This includes making your data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). The Data Store helps to achieve this with less effort. This guide will cover the minimum needed to get you started. Please look through the Data Store Manual for a more comprehensive look at Data Store capabilities.
Maintainer | Institution | Contact |
Jason Williams | CyVerse / CSHL | |
- Tutorial home
- Drag-and-drop Data Transfer with Cyberduck
- Command Line Transfer with iCommands
- iCommands Installation for Linux
- iCommands Installation for Mac OS X
- iCommands First-time Configuration
- Anonymous access to the CyVerse Datastore
- Upload Files/folders from local Computer to Data Store
- Download Files/folders from Data Store to local Computer
- NetCDF iCommands
- Additional Frequently Used iCommands
- Associate Data with Metadata
- Data Sharing and Other Features
- Desktop Access with WebDav
Downloads, access, and services¶
In order to complete this tutorial you will need access to the following services/software
Prerequisite | Preparation/Notes | Link/Download |
CyVerse account (optional) | CyVerse supports anonymous data access to public data sets in the CyVerse Data Commons. This guide is written with the assumption you are a CyVerse account holder. See the Data Store Manual for more info on anonymous access. |
Cyberduck (optional) | Cyberduck is a 3rd party application with a graphical user interface that allows you to easily upload and download data. (available for Mac /PC). You will also need to download our connection profile (bookmark). | |
iCommands (optional) | iCommands are a set of command line binaries that can be used to interact with the Data Store. Download iCommands (available for Mac/ Linux) if you want to use these functionalities. |
Spreadsheet editor (optional) | To edit a metadata template in .csv format, we recommend using a spreadsheet editor such as Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc. |
When uploading your data to the Data Store you should not upload files/folders with names containing spaces (e.g. experiment one.fastq) or name that contain special characters (e.g. ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } [ ] | : ; ” ‘ < > , ? /). The Apps on the Discovery Environment and most command line apps will typically not tolerate these characters. For long file/folder names the use of underscores (e.g. experiment_one.fastq) is the recommended practice.
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